September 9, 2024

Getting the right type of cover for your minibus is essential, whether you use your minibus for personal use or to make money.

Below is everything you need to know about minibus insurance.

Types of cover available

  • Third party only – Third party only insurance is the lowest level of cover you can get for a minibus (or any vehicle in the UK) in order for it to be road legal. Although third party won’t provide protection for your own vehicle, it will make it legal to drive and is the cheapest option.
  • Third party, fire and theft – If you’re not happy with having no cover for your own vehicle then you can get a third party, fire and theft policy, which will ensure you’re compensated if your minibus is stolen or damaged by fire.
  • Comprehensive – A comprehensive insurance policy will cover you for fire and theft as well as covering your vehicle even if you’re involved in a collision that you’re to blame for. This costs more than third party insurance but it will give you added peace of mind.
  • Public liability – If you’re using your minibus for hire or reward then you’ll need to have public liability insurance included in your policy. If one of your passengers or a member of public were to be injured or killed as a result of your driving then you could easily face a liability claim so this type of cover is a must.
  • Breakdown cover – Breakdown cover is always important and if you don’t already have it then most insurance providers will give you the option of having it added to your policy.

Ways to save money

  • Pay upfront – One very easy way you can instantly cut down the cost of a minibus insurance policy is to pay annually rather than monthly. Not everyone can afford this since it requires a much greater initial investment but if you can then most insurance providers will give you a significant discount.
  • Get a lot of quotes – Getting quotes from a lot of different insurance providers is a must when you’re looking to save money on your minibus cover. Luckily this is now incredibly easy to do.
  • Increase excess – Voluntary excess is what you’d need to pay towards a claim. You can increase this amount to cut down the cost of your premium. This is a bit risky since you only really benefit if you don’t have to make a claim.